Wednesday 20 November 2013


I did a couple of shows but haven't shown you what I have made. I found a lovely little bed that you have seen before,but I made bedding for it. Then I found another but I haven't got it done yet. It looks so cute with a doll sized quilt and a ticking pillow and mattress.

As usual,my pictures won't go where I want them to !

I do a show with my friend for Christmas,in Niagara On the Lake
and I made a few things for it.
It was a good show and now I can catch up at my booths.

These little sachets were made from a vintage quilt made from early calico. That has to be my favourite fabric.

This is a nice collection of vintage purses that I had at the sale.

I made these Victorian style ornaments with real spun glass and angel faces that I bought in a religious store on a small Greek island over 20 years ago! I am finally using them. Almost missed the ferry to get off the island and get to an airport as my sister and I were enthralled with this store full of treasures.

Finally I have a picture that shows the wonderful things that I found today. I am thrilled that I got 3 pieces of early 19th century china.  I may have to keep them, the never ending  dilemma of a dealer, sell it or keep it.