Wednesday 1 May 2013

Getting Ready for all the Shows- TIMES UP!

Times up for me,I have been keeping track of  the shows all winter,and now they are here. Yikes,I have been ironing,organizing,re-upholstering ,for months! I loaded my car today for the "Linen Ladies" show in Greensville,above Hamilton. See previous blog for all the dates. I will post pictures once I set up,probably on Friday. I now have a show every Sat. for the next 5 weeks!
This past week,I had the luck to get a button bonanza. I found 4 bags full of buttons,from the 1940's-50's,most of them unused,and in perfect condition. I got them home and went out on the sunny back deck to sort them with Striper and a glass of wine. I had so much fun.They must have been from a dressmaker,as so many were the same. The used ones,I sorted,washed and packed,mainly mother of pearl ones. I love butons. Stripe enjoyed the sun, and keeping me company.

Here they are all sorted and priced.It was a wonderful find,they are going to the shows.Keep tuned in as I will be very busy these next 5 weeks,lots of shows,and lots of buying! Hurray!

Barb is coming this weekend for a visit,after my show.We will be very busy!