Monday, 2 September 2013

Summer sales and more footstools.

This has been a great summer for finding treasures. I went to a week long sale for the first 2 days of it,and had a ball. I got some wonderful early textiles,calico quilt squares,lace etc. I was too busy shopping to take pictures,so maybe when I do my next show,I can post pictures then.
I got some very early china this past weekend,flow blue and transferware,lovely silverplate serving pieces and a great Italian tulip lamp.
I got a footstool and redid it pronto,why do I do new items before I do ones that are waiting here?
So see what I have been doing in the pictures. Next show is here Sept.14, in NOTL at the Farmer's market. Then Sept.21 at Aberfoyle. I have wonderful things ready,way more than will fit in my car!You can see them at Booth 059 in Southworks Antique Mall in Cambridge.
