Thursday, 18 July 2013

Chalk Paint Project

Happy Summer to you all. It is hard to iron in this heat, so I have been doing projects that have been long waiting. In the last post I showed you that pink metal stand and here it is completed. First picture is on my newly finished flagstone path in the backyard. The next is the stand loaded with notions,headed for Southworks on Friday.

The chalk paint covered the old paint nicely, I like working with it. There are lots of recipes on the internet, try one!
I went to Muskoka for a couple of days and I found a piece of china worthy of my collection in the "china room." It is on the top right corner. I am glad I only find really old pieces once in a while, I think I have enough.

Next show is at the Farmer's Market in NOTL on Sat. Aug.3rd. 08-1