Wednesday, 20 November 2013


I did a couple of shows but haven't shown you what I have made. I found a lovely little bed that you have seen before,but I made bedding for it. Then I found another but I haven't got it done yet. It looks so cute with a doll sized quilt and a ticking pillow and mattress.

As usual,my pictures won't go where I want them to !

I do a show with my friend for Christmas,in Niagara On the Lake
and I made a few things for it.
It was a good show and now I can catch up at my booths.

These little sachets were made from a vintage quilt made from early calico. That has to be my favourite fabric.

This is a nice collection of vintage purses that I had at the sale.

I made these Victorian style ornaments with real spun glass and angel faces that I bought in a religious store on a small Greek island over 20 years ago! I am finally using them. Almost missed the ferry to get off the island and get to an airport as my sister and I were enthralled with this store full of treasures.

Finally I have a picture that shows the wonderful things that I found today. I am thrilled that I got 3 pieces of early 19th century china.  I may have to keep them, the never ending  dilemma of a dealer, sell it or keep it.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

A Visit to Paris !!

I just returned from a trip to Paris. I had a wonderful time with my friends who helped me see whatever I wanted. We had an apartment with a balcony overlooking a courtyard with boxwood hedged lawns and trees. It was a wonderful place to sit after a busy day,indeed we had oysters and champagne there a couple of times.

Of course I went to a flea market and I got so overwhelmed,I found it hard to make decisions. It was fairly expensive,so I finally made a few good choices and I will show you pictures. I had camera issues,so some of the pictures are at home,once I had washed and ironed my linens.

The last picture is in my new booth in Vineland. I moved in there just before I left for Paris ! It is a great spot to visit,a co op in a lovely old building. Look for her web page at

Monday, 2 September 2013

Summer sales and more footstools.

This has been a great summer for finding treasures. I went to a week long sale for the first 2 days of it,and had a ball. I got some wonderful early textiles,calico quilt squares,lace etc. I was too busy shopping to take pictures,so maybe when I do my next show,I can post pictures then.
I got some very early china this past weekend,flow blue and transferware,lovely silverplate serving pieces and a great Italian tulip lamp.
I got a footstool and redid it pronto,why do I do new items before I do ones that are waiting here?
So see what I have been doing in the pictures. Next show is here Sept.14, in NOTL at the Farmer's market. Then Sept.21 at Aberfoyle. I have wonderful things ready,way more than will fit in my car!You can see them at Booth 059 in Southworks Antique Mall in Cambridge.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

I love upholstering antique stools .

Summer is a good time to find pieces to upholster. The first stool,I got at a flea market and the second from my friends at a garage sale. I  took the oval one to a sale this past Sat. and sold it already.

 This next one is an organ stool. All refinished and ready for that!

So keep an eye out for small projects that are easier and fun to do.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Chalk Paint Project

Happy Summer to you all. It is hard to iron in this heat, so I have been doing projects that have been long waiting. In the last post I showed you that pink metal stand and here it is completed. First picture is on my newly finished flagstone path in the backyard. The next is the stand loaded with notions,headed for Southworks on Friday.

The chalk paint covered the old paint nicely, I like working with it. There are lots of recipes on the internet, try one!
I went to Muskoka for a couple of days and I found a piece of china worthy of my collection in the "china room." It is on the top right corner. I am glad I only find really old pieces once in a while, I think I have enough.

Next show is at the Farmer's Market in NOTL on Sat. Aug.3rd. 08-1

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Catching up from a very busy May!

Some of my followers (okay,only 2) have asked me what has been happening. I had a busy May and rather than bore you with all the details,I will post pictures of all the shows I did.
The first was the Linen Ladies in Greensville. Nice show,nice people, and is in the hall of a wonderful old church .My window looks out on the serene graveyard. I love it there.

Adeline in Vintage dress

Okay as usual,I am having problems placing pictures. The one above on the left is how my friend Adeline displayed her brooches. So cute!

Next we move to Aberfoyle Sat. show and Barb did it with me. There is something about that place that attracts low lying clouds full of moisture,so we had to condense our display to keep it dry. We had fun and had wonderful things for sale. Barb had wonderful barkcloth,she had been saving it for a big splash! Our quilt collections together were very colourful.


Next was 2 Saturdays in NOTL at my friend Hilary's annual garden sale. Her garden is special so people come for the sale and to see what is in bloom. It was cool this sping so many things were behind in blooming. The following week it warmed up and there was a total different bunch of plants blooming. There are so many birdhouses and they are all occupied. We had to cordone off the main entrance to the garden,as a robin had nested in the arbour and the day of the show,there were babies in the nest. She was very nervous and would leave every time someone went by. So we all  went another way so she could stay in the nest. It worked and she had a successful family.

So that was Hilary's garden show.We had a great couple of days,and the garden was gorgeous.After her show,I did Antiques at the Market in NOTL. It is the first Sat. of every month at the farmer's market from May to Sept. on Hwy 55 beside the Shopper's Drug Mart.

I had a little side trip before it though.A fabric lady at Aberfoyle told me about a place near Chatham that was closing down after 52 years of business. It was in a garage in the middle of nowhere and they were selling things off at a great discount.She also told me that they still had
fabric  from when they opened. I couldn't resist and took a 3 1/2 hour drive to see for myself. The following pictures don't show the incredible amount of fabric stuffed into a small building. The price when I got there wasn't by the yard,but for the entire bolt. I bought weird stuff from the 50's and 60's because I couldn't resist,as well as a whole roll of ticking. She even gave me a sapling of her lilac tree. She was trying to get out quickly and I think she might already be closed. What a place,I spent 2 hours searching through it. Great fun.
As usual,I am going to do a little project and repaint this metal stand I bought a couple of years ago. Look for it soon. I will try to keep up,but May was a flash! Also Striper continues to keep me company when I am working,sometimes right where I want to be!  

Bev's car loaded!

Here's the little plant stand I will be redoing and my helper.

Okay,I have had a few issues doing this today.I get it all set up and when I preview it, all the pictures have moved,and the type too. Drives me nuts. Looks good when I am doing it,then it changes.Ah well that's life.
See you soon!  Bev

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Getting Ready for all the Shows- TIMES UP!

Times up for me,I have been keeping track of  the shows all winter,and now they are here. Yikes,I have been ironing,organizing,re-upholstering ,for months! I loaded my car today for the "Linen Ladies" show in Greensville,above Hamilton. See previous blog for all the dates. I will post pictures once I set up,probably on Friday. I now have a show every Sat. for the next 5 weeks!
This past week,I had the luck to get a button bonanza. I found 4 bags full of buttons,from the 1940's-50's,most of them unused,and in perfect condition. I got them home and went out on the sunny back deck to sort them with Striper and a glass of wine. I had so much fun.They must have been from a dressmaker,as so many were the same. The used ones,I sorted,washed and packed,mainly mother of pearl ones. I love butons. Stripe enjoyed the sun, and keeping me company.

Here they are all sorted and priced.It was a wonderful find,they are going to the shows.Keep tuned in as I will be very busy these next 5 weeks,lots of shows,and lots of buying! Hurray!

Barb is coming this weekend for a visit,after my show.We will be very busy!